Acquisition of Unissula Research Grant Fund Increases

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018 | [post_view]


Entering 2018, Unissula continues to increase the proposals for directorate general of higher education grant, both research and community service. This 2018 funding year, 50 research proposals have been funded by directorate general of higher education consisting of 18 new research proposals and 32 further proposals. For the grant of community service, as many as 6 proposals are funded, including dr Ahmadi, N.H., Sp.Kj., Ns. Dyah Wiji Puspita Sari S.Kep, Leli Nisfi Setiana M.Pd., Noveri Aisyaroh M.Kes., Siti Aisiyah Suciningtyas, M.Si., Nur Widiana, S.T., M.T.

Chairman of the Institute of Research and Community Service (IRCS) Dr. Heru Sulistiyo, S.E., M.Si. said that from the total acquisition of grants, at the level of private higher education in Central Java, Unissula occupies the second rank.

According to Heru, Unissula which has occupied the main cluster must comply with the provision not to take the Cooperation Research among Universities (PEKERTI) and novice lecturer scheme. “Although there is no research scheme for beginner lecturers, the grant recipients are actually down, but the budget was estimated to exceed 5-10 billion last year which was due to the additional outcomes such as international publications.” He said on the sidelines of his busy life at Unissula (22/1).

Heru assesses several things that become evaluations for proposals that do not qualify, at least there are 3 factors: administration, substance, and policy. “Directorate general of higher education took the policy to increase passing grade into 500, to reduce the quota of the exceeded cost. Thus, there were many which didn’t pass, although they were judged well by the reviewer. “he said.

According to him, IRCS tries to improve and evaluate the proposals which have not passed so that for the fiscal year of 2019, the acquisition of grant fund is increasing. “We will continue to provide assistance for researchers by holding workshops or training,” he said.

Towards an Independent Cluster

According to Heru, IRCS is a very strategic institution because it plays a very important role in the implementation of the second from the three dharma colleges, namely research and community service. “Improving IRCS’s performance has a positive impact on the improvement of institutions and accreditation points because it has a great impact on research, publicity and community service,” he said. “Currently we have implemented a research-based community service system. So the estuary of the research will be applied in the form of community service, “said Heru.

While the target in the future is IRCS will continue to spur the research and community service of academicians of Unissula. “With the increase in publications as compulsory output, it is estimated that 2-3 years there will be a spike in publications. Thus, at least 1-2 years ahead Unissula has the target to achieve independent clusters which will soon be realized.” he concluded.