Vision & Mission - Sultan Agung Islamic University

Vision & Mission

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Vision of the University

As the leading Islamic Universities in raising the khaira ummah generation, developing science and technology on the basis of Islamic values and building Islamic civilization toward a prosperous society blessed by Allah SWT in the framework of rahmatan lil a’lamin.

Mission of the University

Organizing Islamic higher education in the framework of da’wah Islamiyah oriented towards quality and universal equality by:

  1. Reconstructing and developing science and technology based on Islamic values.
  2. Educating and developing Islamic human resources at all educational strata through various disciplines in order to build a Khaira ummah generation and cadres for Ulemas (taffaquh fiddin)  by prioritizing the nobility of  morals, the highest quality of intellectuality and of expertise, and the readiness  to perform the duties of leadership and da’wah.
  3. Developing community services in building Islamic civilization towards a prosperous society blessed by Allah SWT in the framework of rahmatan lil’alamin.
  4. Developing ideas and activities to be dynamically ready to constantly make institutional improvement in accordance with the results of the reconstruction and development of science and technology and the development of the community.