Welcome Your Bright Future with Unissula’s Faculty of Medicine

Friday, May 10th, 2019 | [post_view]


The Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (Unissula) is one of the best Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia with 56 years of educational experience. As per 77th Graduation ceremony on 26-27 April 2019, the Faculty of Medicine Unissula has graduated as many as 6,098 medical graduates and pharmacy graduates, graduating as many as 4,957 doctors who have served in various state and private institutions, Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), and Indonesian National Police (POLRI).

The Unissula’s Faculty of Medicine has a number of prominent study programs, including the “A” accredited Bachelor of Medical Doctor and Professional Doctor based on the SK LAM PT Kes No. 0168 / LAM-PTKes / Akr / Sar / IV / 2019 which was received directly by the Dean, Dr. dr. Setyo Trisnadi, Sp.KF., S.H., in PT Kes LAM office Jakarta.

Faculty of Medicine Unissula also has other study programs, namely Bachelor of Pharmacy (accredited “B”), Biomedical Master Program (accredited “B”), and Bachelor of Midwifery that has been accepting new students starting in the academic year 2018-2019.

Faculty of Medicine Unissula has various advantages including a modern learning system using a competency-based curriculum that is packaged in the form of PBL “Problem Based Learning” through tutorial activities and supported by lecture, practicum, and skill improvement activities.

Learning activities in the Medical Doctor Program environment can be taken in 3.5 years with compulsory subjects in the form of modules and non-modules such as English, Islamic religion, entrepreneurship, and scientific writing.

Some other excellence of Faculty of Medicine Unissula are learning with SGD (Small Group Discussion) and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) systems, having the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital in Semarang as the main educational hospital which has been fully accredited, implementing ISO-based management, applying the learning process and curriculum following the rules of the government, and owning assisted villages for professional education programs. Moreover, every year Unissula Medical students can take part in internship in various universities in Japan and South Korea. Unissula Medical Students also participate actively in annual conferences and international meetings discussing health and environmental issues.

The Faculty of Medicine has six leading research areas, including: cancer therapy, stem cell, epidemiology, tropical disease, complementary alternative therapy, and aging. Medical education and research activities are supported by very adequate facilities.

The Faculty of Medicine has excellent facilities including three main buildings each of three floors and an 8-storey central modern laboratory building that is ready to be the best place for creating doctors and other health workers.

Other supporting facilities are also provided, for instance having a representative classroom equipped with complete supporting infrastructure (LCD, AC, etc.), and having various laboratories as educational facilities such as Microbiology, Parasitology, Biology, Anatomy, Clinical Pathology, Physics Laboratories, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Anatomy Pathology, and Chemistry laboratories. It has broad internet access and access points installed in all parts of the faculty area and the teaching hospital. The internet network is used by lecturers and students for teaching and learning activities on the campus and the teaching hospital.

A library is also provided which has a collection of more than 7000 medical text books that are up to date and are equipped with 154 learning CDs as well as several collections of accredited and international journals. The library is also equipped with a comfortable reading room so that it is very supportive of students’ independent learning activities.

Faculty of Medicine Unissula also participates actively in both national and international collaboration that supports the process of learning, research, and community service. The international partnership includes Myongji University, Naresuan University, Fez University, IIUM Malaysia, USIM Malaysia etc. In addition to international cooperation, Faculty of Medicine also maintain a lot of domestic cooperation, among others, with the Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital (as the main teaching hospital), RSUD Kodya Semarang, RSUD Dr. Adiyatma MPh, RST Bakti Wira Tamtama, Semarang City Health Office, Purwodadi Hospital, Magelang Hospital, RST Magelang, Demak Hospital, RSUD Kudus, RSUD Pati, RSUD Kendal, RSJD Surakarta etc.

Unissula’s Faculty of Medicine is committed to educate students to become competent graduates so that they are able to compete with all graduates from both national and Asean level, and even international levels. It is our vision to create Islamic doctors as a generation of Khaira Ummah to become a reputable Islamic university with “A” accreditation.

Let’s prepare your bright future by joining the Faculty of Medicine Unissula. For further information, visit www.pmb.unissula.ac.id