Unissula’s Pharmacist Profession Study Program Expands International Cooperation

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 | [post_view]

Unissula’s Pharmacist Professional Education Study Program (PSPPA) continues to improve the competitiveness of its education. One of them is done by increasing international cooperation and applying it in various programs. “PSPPA Unissula is currently a study program with very high demand. Therefore, we want to continue to maintain quality and provide the best educational services. To improve quality, one of the things we do is to increase cooperation with pharmacist professional programs in the international scope, “said Head of Study Program Dr. apt Naniek Widyaningrum MSc (9/3/2023).

Still according to Naniek, the latest cooperation carried out was a comparative study, and the initiation of cooperation with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on February 27, 2023. The visit was received by the Dean of Pharmacy UKM Prof. Dr. Mohd bin Makmor Bakry.

“This activity is carried out as a follow-up to the results of the previous accreditation process which requires study programs to have Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi cooperation with foreign institutions. In addition, this activity is also a series of cooperation expansion processes that have been carried out since November 2022 as a form of effort to add pharmacist professional practice vehicles that adjust to the number of student input quotas, “said Naniek.

Meanwhile, Fildza Huwaina Fathnin MKes conveyed the points which were then contained in the Letter of Intent between the two parties. These points include an agreement to collaborate in the tridarma of higher education (education, research, and service), student exchange activities, and the intention to continue the collaboration process using the MoU.

The planned activities that will be carried out by PSPPA which will also involve the Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program in the near future as a form of implementation of the Letter of Intent are public lectures in clinical pharmacy between the two institutions, assistance in writing scientific articles from UKM, and student exchange rides for hospitals for four weeks. Both parties agreed to the plan and are willing to contribute to the collaboration process.