Unissula’s Faculty of Teacher Training and Education is Preparing Professional Teacher Program

Monday, March 18th, 2019 | [post_view]
Image: Lecturers from Unissula’s Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto took pictures together after conducting Focused Group Discussion (FGD)

Image: Lecturers from Unissula’s Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto took pictures together after conducting Focused Group Discussion (FGD)

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Unissula held an academic visit to FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) on (3/15/2019). The visit was very important, one of which was a Forum Group Discussion to discuss the requirements of being an organizer of Professional Teacher Program (PPG).

PPG is a higher education after Bachelor of Education Program to prepare students with special skills and competence required to become a professional teacher. A number of technical questions regarding PPG preparation such as the minimum number of functional positions that lecturers must have in a faculty were discussed in the discussion. With intensive discussions, it is expected that FKIP Unissula will be able to develop long-term and short-term strategies to establish the PPG Program.

The FGD ended with a friendly meeting by discussing the details of the MoU that had been signed at the beginning of the event by the Dean of FKIP Unissula, Imam Kusmaryono, M.Pd and the Dean of FKIP UMP, Drs. Pudiono, M.Hum. One of the activities discussed in order to follow up the MoU was cooperation in holding national and international seminars.