Student of Faculty of Dentistry Unissula Discusses Hepatitis in Singapore

Monday, March 4th, 2019 | [post_view]


A student of Faculty of Dentistry Unissula, HN Amrina Rosada was one of the Indonesian delegates at Nanyang Techonogical University Model United Nations held in Singapore on February 15-17, 2019.

The Model United Nations event was attended by more than 200 people from various countries in the world. It was started with the opening ceremony, and continued with the council session. Amrina joined the World Health Organization (WHO) council as the Indonesian delegate and discussed two main issues, namely the eradication of hepatitis in the world and improving health for the elders in the world.

According to her, the cases of hepatitis type B and C in Indonesia are still quite high, so this should be treated seriously. “One solution that should not be negotiable is the importance of vaccines to prevent hepatitis,” said the Alumna of State Semarang High School I.


Participating the international agenda such as the Model UN gives her many benefits. “I got many benefits from the event, including getting new friends from various countries, enhancing public speaking skills, and participating in how many young people are eager to respond and find solutions to various world problems. Another important thing was to introduce this alma mater “Unissula” to international forums because we are always proud of this atmosphere, “said the girl who was born in Semarang on July 27, 1996.