Reducing Child Sexual Abuse, Unissula Lecturers Founded Anti Child Sexual Abuse Organization (AKSA)

Friday, May 10th, 2019 | [post_view]


The Unissula Community Service Team (PKM) consisting of lecturers and students held a community service at Kembangarum 4 Public Elementary School which began on 11 April 2019 and currently the program is ongoing.

Team leader, Ns. Nopi Nur Khasanah, M.Kep. Sp.Kep.An said that the service received support from the Directorate General of Research and Technology Strengthening and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in collaboration with the Principal of Kembangarum State Elementary School (SDN) 4. The PKM team consists of two lecturers from the Faculty of Nursing, one lecturer from the Faculty of Islamic Studies, and two students of Nursing Study Program Unissula.

Nopi further stated that the activity was motivated by the large number of cases recorded in the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) data bank as a concrete example of the need for interventions related to child protection in various sectors. KPAI Data Bank showed the number of children as perpetrators and victims of sexual abuse was very high compared of that of physical and psychological abuse.

“My team and I are optimistic, PKM activities are able to inhibit the increase in the number of sexual abuse because the use of peer counseling methods that we have applied, there has been a lot of researchers which prove that this method is quite effective to be given to school-age children. In addition, we carry out comprehensive psychosocial guidance, which is not only given to students but also to student guardians,” Nopi said.

The first activity carried out by the team was the establishment of a group supporting anti child sexual abuse (KP-AKSA). This was the starting point for further activities to be carried out. The establishment of KP-AKSA included education related to clean and healthy life behavior delivered by Ns. Herry Susanto, M.A.N and educating the dangers of pornography through audiovisual media by Ns. Nopi Nur Khasanah M.Kep. Sp.Kep.An, and the last material was spiritual motivation by Samsudin, S.Ag. M.Ag.

“Our approach through spiritual motivation has made children realize their role as a child, as a student, and as the next generation of the nation. However, further activities must be maintained so that children avoid the danger of sexual abuse,” said Samsudin who is also the Chairperson of the Sharia Committee of Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital and also active as the Chair of Forbrain (National Islamic Community Development Forum).

The PKM team hoped that children who are included in KP-AKSA are able to become peer counselors, especially in their school environment; so that the physical and psychosocial development of children can be achieved optimally.