Ramadan is approaching, let’s welcome it with a strong mentality

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 | [post_view]

Ramadan fasting preparation is an important thing to be considered by Muslims. The Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) Unissula conveyed several things that must be prepared to welcome Ramadan. Namely individual preparation and institutional preparation. “Individual preparation includes preparing mentally, because there will be many changes compared to ordinary days outside of Ramadan. Then physical preparation (health). Although fasting according to the Prophet Muhammad is physically and mentally healthy, we still need to prepare. At least we try to enter Ramadan with a healthy body and mentally ready,” he said at the FAI Unissula Building, Wednesday (8/3/2023).

Drs. Muhammad Muhtar Arifin Sholeh MLib continued, “The second preparation is the preparation of institutions related to the activities we need to do during Ramadan. The main preparation is tarawih prayer, starting from the imam schedule, the lecturer schedule, then preparing studies, also preparing the commemoration of the nuzulul Qur’an, “he continued.

He noted that these activities must be in accordance with the purpose of Ramadan. “These activities must be in line with the purpose of Ramadan, which is piety. So Ramadan activities must be able to build piety in order to strengthen faith, increase worship, and improve morals. Because besides that, Ramadan is also a month of tarbiyah (month of education),” he explained.