Pancasila is the National Narrative that Leads to Glory

Thursday, April 18th, 2019 | [post_view]


Unissula’s Institute for the Study of the Application of Islamic Values (LKPI) ​​in collaboration with the Mosque Lovers Movement held a mass religious meeting (Tabligh Akbar) themed “Building Ukhuwah to Build a Nation’s Civilization” located at Unissula Jl. Kaligawe KM. 4 Semarang on Saturday, 6 April 2019.The speakers were Ustad Bahtiar Nasir, Ustad Erick Yusuf, Ustad Taufan, Ustad Fahmi Salim, Ustad Zaitun Rasmin, and this event was hosted by the national MC, Iwel Sastra.

Bahtiar Nasir said that we must be proud to be Indonesian. “We must be proud to be part of Indonesian nation because our ancestors always resisted colonialism and also opposed to be a colonial nation. Even though we own land with certificates of our own name, we must not carelessly sell our land to foreign parties. Because our predecessors have sacrificed lives, possessions, blood, and tears,” he said.

He further reminded that the Indonesian people should have not be trapped in the new style of Zionism which tried to divide the nation and created new land without master for new masters with no land.

Bahtiar, then, encouraged the audience to always improve their faith and good deeds. “Because of these two things, we will be given three guarantees as promised by Allah in the Qur’an, surah An Nur: 55; firstly, Allah will really make us rule over the earth, the second promise is blessed with glory in upholding the religion of Allah, and the third guarantee is replacing our fear with safety feeling,” he said.

Furthermore, he is also proud to be an Indonesian because the nation predecessors have agreed on Pancasila as the nation’s philosophy. “The first principle teaches us to believe in Allah while the second to the fifth principle pushes us to do good deeds. We all want Pancasila to be a national narrative that will take the Indonesian nation into a great nation with one condition that we must not associate anything with Allah SWT,” concluded Bahtiar.