FH Unissula Make Birrul Walidain Insightful Advocate

Monday, February 27th, 2023 | [post_view]


The Faculty of Law (FH) Unissula, together with the Indonesian Advocates Association, held Advocate Profession Special Education (PKPA) at the Faculty of Law Unissula Saturday (25/2/2023). This PKPA was held for the third time and was attended by 32 participants from all over Central Java.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Unissula Dr. Bambang Tri Bawono SH MH said that as the khaira ummah generation, we must carry out birrul walidain. “One of the keys to the success of an advocate who is khaira ummah (best) is one who has a noble character, namely doing good and glorifying our parents,” said Bambang.

Still, Bambang says advocates are essential in law enforcement and upholding justice. Mastery of the anatomy of the problem becomes essential in dealing with issues in supporting justice. An advocate must have high dedication in carrying out their duties. Advocates must have a clear mind in understanding the problem. Many read legal literacy to increase legal knowledge. “Advocates will not give up in fighting for justice,” he concluded.

Furthermore, DPW Peradi Dr. Junaidi SH MH added that in the future, PKPA participants would also become members of Peradi. Join this event because it will benefit everyone working as an advocate. “Be a professional and responsible advocate and contribute to society,” concluded Junaidi.