Developing the Country Needs Fit Mindset

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 | [post_view]
Image: Rocky Gerung

Image: Rocky Gerung

The Executive Student Council of Faculty of Laws held a public lecture by presenting Rocky Gerung, Dr. Fuad Bawazier, and Prof. Laode M. Kamaluddin, M.Eng., Ph.D. that was held at Sultan Agung auditorium on the Kaligawe campus (13/3). According to Laode, there are three countries that were born because of ideals namely the United States, the Soviet Union, and Indonesia.

“The United States today has succeeded in becoming a developed country by relying on science and technology, while the Soviet Union has been destroyed after being unable to impose its Communist ideology, meanwhile Indonesia has not moved from a lagging country. This should be a common awareness to begin to seriously think about achieving the goals of the country that had been dreamed of,” said the former Rector of Unissula.

He added, in performing the ideal nation, a fit mindset can encourage nation and country life in a good direction. It can also support the political tradition of justice.

Meanwhile, according to Rocky Gerung, in the democratic process, there needs to be a form of ‘competition’ of constructive argument in solving the nation’s problems. On the other hand, academics have the knowledge to see, analyze and solve a number of national problems.

Dr Fuad Bawasir, former Minister of Finance, explained that a fit mindset is important because many people are smart but not reasonable. Also, many people have structural position but they become ‘houseboy’. Still, many officials have been arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), for their authority abuse. “A fit mindset is important for maintaining the running of democracy. It must be carried out with a fit mindset,” he explained.

With a fit mindset, it is also hoped that inequality in law enforcement, social, and economics that disrupts the running of democracy can be overcome. So that the political tradition of justice can be maintained properly.