Faculty of Economics Unissula Deepens Islamic Accounting

Thursday, March 9th, 2023 | [post_view]

The Faculty of Economics (FE) Unissula organized a casual discussion of the 20th Islamic accounting lodge. This activity discusses accounting in an Islamic perspective and criticism of generally accepted accounting in the perspective of the Islamic economic school of Hamfara. Present as speakers were FE Unissula Accounting lecturer Dr. Kiryanto SE MSi Ak CA and STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta Lecturer M Baiquni Syihab SEI MSi. The activity took place online, Friday (24/02/2023).

Dr. Kiryanto explained that this activity was a space for discussion about accounting in an Islamic perspective. “This activity is to discuss together about accounting in an Islamic perspective more deeply. Islamic economics is built on the basis of beliefs that become the basis of human behavior, including real life is the afterlife, the afterlife is the end of retribution and accountability for world life, human reasoning is limited, and the only perfect source of information is the Qur’an and Hadith,” he said.

He added that Islamic economics is a way to protect the unfair use of natural resources. “Islamic economics as the science and use of sharia commands and rules to protect against injustice in the procurement and use of natural resources for the purpose of meeting human needs and to enable them to carry out their responsibilities to Allah SWT and society as a whole,” he added.

Meanwhile, Baiquni Syihab explained that to know the accounting criticism according to the Hamfara School, one must understand the concept. “The Hamfara school of Islamic economics is an Islamic economy that is taught and held by the academic community of the STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta campus. Islamic economics based on the Qur’an, sunnah of the Prophet and ijma’ Shahabat. Islamic economics based on the strongest opinion from the arguments of the ulama, the MUI National Sharia Council Fatwa is not a benchmark.

He added that there are four problem points that are the main focus, including long-term debt, retained earnings, depreciation, and mudharabah deposit savings.