Researching Sting Operation (OTT) of Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Comission (KPK), Unissula’s Law Lecturer Awarded Doctorate Degree

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 | [post_view]


Unissula’s Faculty of Law added one more lecturer with doctorate degree after Bambang Tri Bawono, S.H., M.H. officially held the title through an open doctoral promotion (S3) examination conducted in the Main Seminar Room, Post-Graduate Building, Jayabaya University, Jakarta (23/4).

In his dissertation, he studied the legality of the Sting Operation (OTT) conducted by the Indonesian anti-corruption organization or better known as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The title of the study is “The Existence of Sting Operation against Corruptions in the Form of Bribery and Gratification Related to the Eradication of Gratification in Indonesia”.

The public examination was led directly by the Rector of the University of Jayabaya, Prof. H. Amir Santoso, M.Soc., Sc., Ph.D. as the chairperson of the exam, accompanied by some examiners, namely: Dr. Yuhelson, S.H., M.H., M.Kn., Dr. Ramlani, S.Sh., M.H., M.M., Prof. Dr. Abdul Manan, S.H., S.IP., M.Hum., Lieutenant General TNI (Retired) Prof. Dr.H. Syrifudin Tippie, M.Si. (examination supervisor), Prof. Dr. JH Sinaulan, S.H., M.Ag.,M.Sc. (main promoter), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mustofa, M.A. (co-promoter I ),Dr. Rr. Dijan Widijowati, S.H., M.H. (co-promoter II), Prof. Dr. Valerine JL Kriekhoff, S.H., M.A., and Prof. Dr. HA Gani Abdullah, S.H.

According to Bambang, the results of the research showed that OTT conducted by KPK is in conflict with the applicable laws in Indonesia. Therefore, KPK in this case committed acts of abuse of power or arbitrary actions.

“The KPK is abusing power of law or arbitrary in carrying out acts of OTT which is an act against the law. Because OTT is different from TT or Caught Red Handed. The term OTT does not exist in our country’s legislation. Therefore we need to reformulate the law in the form of rules to improve legislation,” said Bambang.

Responding to this, one of the examiners, Prof. Ghani Abdullah, who was one of the drafters of Law number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of corruption, revealed that the initial formation of the Corruption Eradication Commission was the aftermath of public distrust of the Attorney General’s Office and the Police in handling corruption eradication.

“After reformation era, acts of corruption have become increasingly rampant. For that reason, the House of Representatives (DPR) and the government have agreed to form a special commission (KPK) aimed at dealing with this issue. However, the act of corruption is still increasing and recently it even becomes more widespread acts. This is contrary to the initial intention of the formation of the KPK which is intended to significantly reduce criminal acts of corruption,” explained Prof. Ghani.

Those who also attended in the exam were Unissula Rector, Ir. Prabowo Setiyawan, M.T., Ph.D., accompanied by Vice Rector I, Drs. Bedjo Santoso, M.T., Ph.D, Vice Rector II, Dra. Eni Widayati, M.Si., the Dean of Faculty of Law (FH), Prof. Dr. Gunarto, S.H., S.E.Akt., M.Hum., a group of Unissula’s Faculty of Law lecturers, and other invited guests.