Morals (Akhlaq) is the Characteristic of Khaira Ummah Generations

Thursday, April 25th, 2019 | [post_view]


Unissula held an Islamic study in commemoration of Isra ‘Mi’raj with the theme “With the Spirit of Isra’ Mi’raj We Improve the Faith and Quality of Our Prayers to Build the Khaira Ummah Generation” at the Abu Bakar Assegaf Mosque, Unissula campus (22/4).

The activity was attended by all of the academic community from the leaders of Unissula as well as lecturers, employees, and students. Present as the speaker was K.H. Zain Maksum, Lc, the caretaker of Ponpes Kauman, Rembang.

In his opening remarks, Unissula Rector Ir. Prabowo Setiyawan, M.T., Ph.D. reminded the importance of commemorating Islamic holidays. Of course it aimed to take lessons from the history of the Prophet Muhammad’s journey.

Meanwhile K.H. Zain Maksum, Lc. in his talk focused on the importance of morals/disposition. Morals is the first lesson to be learned from the journey of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. When the apostle rose to Sidratul Muntaha, Allah called the Prophet directly by his name, but in Qur’an He never mentioned the Prophet by his name.

“This is a form of moral example, when in public (in the verses of al-quran) Allah never called the Prophet by his name, but with his title like YaaNabi, YaaRosul” explained K.H. Zain.

“Speaking of morals, prayer is a form of moral itself, human morals towards God. Prayer is the highest practice of worship mahdhoh which becomes one of the pillars of Islam. Therefore, moral lessons are very important in order to form a generation of Khaira Ummah,”said the caretaker of Ponpes Kauman, Rembang.