Unissula’s Graduates are Encouraged to be Devoted to Their Parents

Friday, April 26th, 2019 | [post_view]


Unissula held a seminar for 1.502 diploma and bachelor graduates of the 77th inauguration which took place in campus auditorium. The speakers who spoke in this event were Gita Aulia Nurani, M.Psi., Psi. and Arrumaisha Fitri, M.Psi., Psi. from ECC UGM, Indrawan YP, and cultural expert, Prie GS.

According to Gita Aulia, to step into the field of works, fresh graduates need a lot of strategies. “There are so many strategies, so don’t get confuse. What we need to focus on is the moment you apply, every company should have some qualifications which need to be met. Pay attention to those qualifications. If you don’t meet the qualification, find another company because companies only look for the graduates they need,” Gita Aulia explained.

Still according to Aulia, what needs to be considered was through all the processes including making curriculum vitae. In order to get attention and gain advantages, it must be different. So the experience and strengths must be highlighted, don’t be standard.

Meanwhile Arrumaisha Fitri, M.Psi., Psi. from EEC added, when looking for jobs, try writing the strengths and skills that we have. Including the experience of organizations and others that add a plus point, such as foreign language skills,  international experieces, and so on. Another step is to promote yourself, through social media.

Admittedly, self-exploration is very important considering competition for job gets very high. At least 600,000 university graduates in Central Java alone are produced annually, not to mention on the national scale.

Other inputs delivered by Indrawan YP considered that currently there are many people who actually have great potential but cannot succeed because they do not really fight for their goals so that their lives far below their true potential. Another thing that makes many people just live an average life is because many people are not able to identify themselves “Most people are unable to identify themselves, for example, what abilities do they have? what is their expertise? But if they know and focus on developing it, they will become a competent and unique person,” said the founder of the Manah Valley boarding school.

In addition, Prie GS encouraged the prospective graduates to improve their affection and closeness to their parents. “Improving good relations with our parents should be an important agenda for each of us, especially for students who still have a very long future. If our relationship with parents is harmonious, surely a lot of success will come because our devotion to our parents will bring blessings,” said Prie GS

On his opening speech, Vice Rector III Unissula, M. Qomaruddin M.Sc., Ph.D., reminded the prospective graduates about the importance of continuously implementing the Islamic values in this increasingly complex life. “In Unissula campus, all students have been equipped with an education with a strong Islamic cultural values, so it is very important for all of us to always practice what we have learned,” he said.