Prabowo: Unissula Graduate to Keep on Learning

Friday, April 26th, 2019 | [post_view]
Image: Rector Ir. Prabowo Setiyawan, M.T., Ph.D. (Middle) congratulated the graduate

Image: Rector Ir. Prabowo Setiyawan, M.T., Ph.D. (Middle) congratulated the graduate

Unissula Rector, Ir. Prabowo Setiyawan, M.T., Ph.D., inaugurated 1708 students from 11 faculties that was held at the Sultan Agung Auditorium at Kaligawe Campus (26-27 / 4). They consisted of 36 doctoral programs, 170 masters, 1432 bachelors, and 70 associate degrees. In total, up to this  77th graduation, Unissula has graduated 42,935 students that spreaded out across various regions of Indonesia.

Prabowo Setiyawan asked the graduates not to stop learning and continue to improve their expertise in their respective fields. He also expected them to be adaptable without losing their identity in the current digital era. According to Prabowo, Unissula is also ready to become an education partner at a higher level both master and doctoral because Unissula is one of the most comprehensive private universities in Central Java.

Unissula also inaugurated the best graduates including Dr. Yati Nurhayati (Doctor of Laws), Eko Naning Sofyanita, M.Biomed (Master of Biomedics), Hiddatin Niha, M.T. (Master of Civil Engineering), Subkhan, M.H. (Master of Laws), M. Zaenal Arifin, M.Kn. (Master of Notarial Laws) , Ahmad Eko Aryanto, M.Pd., Rhesma Intan Vidyastari, M.T. (Master ​​of Electrical Engineering), Alifa Puspita Pramasari, S.Ked. (Bachelor of Medicine).

Other best graduates from each study program were Selfi Aklailia Rosa, S.Farm. (Bachelor of  Pharmacy), Fachrizal Naufal Indrawan, S.T. (Bachelor of  Civil Engineering), Mariyatun Qibtiyah, S.PWK (Bachelor of  Regional and City Planning), Binti Faridzatul Muflikah, S.H. (Bachelor of  Laws), Nailil Muna, S.M. (Bachelor of  Management) , Demadya Raeka Sakti, S.Ak. (Bachelor of Accounting), Dewi Setiawati, S.H. (Bachelor of Ahwal Syakhsiyah/ Islamic Laws), Ichya Nur Islam, S.Pd. (Bachelor of Islamic Education), Hanik Mas Unah, S.Hum. (Bachelor of History of Islamic Civilization), Anis Puspitasari, S.T. (Bachelor of  Electrical Engineering), Siti Abidatul Ulfa, S.T. (Bachelor of  Industrial Engineering), Ahmad Mustafid Luthfi, S.Kom. (Bachelor of  Informatics Engineering), M. Rifky Anugrah Pramata, S.Psi. (Bachelor of  Psychology), Muhammad Duta Prayogi, S.Pd. (Bachelor of  English Education), Tuyami, S.S. (Bachelor of English Literature), Intan Dwi Artikawati, S.IKom. (Bachelor of Communication Science), Kurnia Ni’matul Muflihah, S.Kep. (Bachelor of Nursing), Lulu Ramadhani Rahman, S.KG. (Bachelor of  Dentistry), Sun Khoirriyah, S.Pd. (Bachelor of Indonesian Language Education and Literature), Dewi Ratnawati, S.Pd. (Bachelor of Mathematics Education), Dyah Rianita Anjani, S.Pd. (Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education), Ahmad Shobirin, Amd (Diploma of Accounting).