
The 2nd International Conference on Delta & Coastal Areas (ICCDA 2015)

Monday, October 12th, 2015 | Dilihat : 1849 kali

Coastal areas is a meeting between the territorial sea and th land, where the area is an area of interaction between terrestrial ecosystems and the marine ecosystems are very dynamic and influential. The coastal area is an area that has great potential to be developed. Development of coastal areas as acity, has a value that is very strategic because the cit ycan be developed as a port city, recreation and conservation. But in its development, the coastal area is an area that receives the most severe consequences of climate change.

Global warming has resulted in climate change on different countries. This condition is characterized by an increased frequency of very high intensity rainfall, the uncertainty of the rainy season and dry season, rising sea levels that threaten coastal areas, as well as the emergence of various disasters caused by climate (climatic hazards). The impact of climate change on coastal areas include rising sea levels resulting in loss of land area, changes in the coast line and tidal flood.

However, the problem of flooding in coastal areas, is not a simple thing. In addition to the rise in sea level there are many factor sthat affect, such as increase in discharge, narrowing and silting of channels, reclamation, land subsidence, liquid and solid waste (garbage) as well as land use. Land subsidence that occurin coastal areas resulting in more severe inundation. Landsubsidence is caused mainly by excessive groundwater extraction, which resulted in some parts of the region are the same height and even below sea leveltide. As a result, gravity drainage system will be disrupted, even can not work without the aid of pumps. Even in some places can cause permanent inundation of the tide is commonly known as tidal flooding.

The problems in coastal areas requires an integrated handling, considering the community dependence on coastal and marine resources large enough for survival. Related to these problems, universitie shave an important role in contributing ideas to provide input suggestions and solutions. Therefore, Faculty of Engineering, Sultan Agung Islamic University, will held of the International Conference with the theme of “Integrated Solutions to Overcome The Climate Change Impact on Delta Areas”.

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