
Graduate Programs Unissula

Friday, June 10th, 2011 | Dilihat : 879 kali

Magister of Law Science

According to Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 2613/D/T/2001, UNISSULA was trusted to establish Graduate Program in Law (S2). Furthermore, The Decree was renewed by Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 596/D/T/2004. This program is accredited “B” according to Decree No. 016/BAN-PT/Ak-V/S2/2006.

Majors/ Areas Of Study/ Programs Of Study This Program has five majors, namely :

–       Islamic Law

–       Business and Economics Law

–       Syariah Economics Law

–       Constitution Law/ State Administration Law

–       Criminal Law

The curriculum can be finished within four semesters by completing 43 credits.

website :

Magister of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Civil Engineering in UNISSULA has been accredited “A” since Desember 1998 according to BANPT, it was based on Decree of Directorate General of National Accreditation Board of Higher Education No. 340/DIKTI/Kep/2000, Graduate Program in Civil Engineering was established. The Decree was renewed by Decree of DIKTI No. 4679/D/T/2004 issued on November 26, 2004.

Student who has finished the study is awarded a Master in Civil Engineering degree and given opportunities to have furthereducation in post-graduate program. Applicants of Graduate Program in Civil Engineering must have certivicate from undergraduate program or Diploma 4.

This program can be completed in within 4 semester

–       Monday, Wednesday, Friday

The curriculum is designed accourding to Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 215/DIKTI/Kep/1994 and No. 269/DIKTI/Kep/1998. The total number of semester credit unit (SCU) is 42 credits.

website :

Magister of Electrical Engineering

Short Discription

Initial establishment of MTE is based on the decision of the Di rector General of Higher Educat ion Number: 1637/D/T/2008, on the official status of Master of Electrical Engineering awarded a grade “B” institusional accreditation from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education, MTE confident being the first and only Master program Electrical Engineering in Central Java.


As a Pioneer Master Study Program in developing the next generation khaira umma, experts and professional in the field of electrical engineering, uphold Islamic values and Islamic civilization to build prosperous society blessed by Allah in the framework rahmatan lil’alamin


  • Reconstruct and develop the field of electrical engineering science and technology on the basis of Islamic values to promote education and welfare of the community.
  • To educate and develop sources of human energy in all higher education program in the field of electrical engineering in order to build the ummah khaira generation  tafaqquh fiddin, noble, with quality and expertise kecendekiawanan highest standards and universal equality, ready to carry out the task of leadership and propaganda.
  • To develop community services in the building of Islamic civilization through the effort of developing the field of electrical engineering to the blessedand prosperous society Allah SWT.
  • Develop dynamic ideas and activities inaccordance institution’s goal based the practice of electrical engineering development, Islamic values and community development.

website :

Magister of Management

Graduate Program of Management (S2) was established based on the license of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 2613/D/T/2001 on August 6, renewed by Decree of Directorat General of Higher Education No. 595/D/T/2001 issued on February 16, 2004. This program was accredited grade “B” based on Decree No. 001/BAN-PT/Ak-V/S2/2006 issued on May 4, 2006.


The curriculum can be completed within four semester. The total of credit number are 42 along with 36 credits of theories: 8 credits for proposal seminar and thesis. It takes 16 to 18 months to complete this program.

Graduate this program of Management is opened for applicants with educational background of management or other disciplines.


–       Representative classrooms completed with Air Conditioner (AC)

–       Physicial instruments (Note Book, LCD Projector and OHP)

–       Computer Laboratory with LAN and Internet facility

–       Wide, secure and convenience parking area.

website : Magister Manajemen

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