Unissula’s Faculty of Islamic Studies Produces Students with International Achievement

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 | [post_view]


The Unissula Faculty of Islamic Studies has a very long educational experience in the field of higher education in Indonesia. The faculty which was established in 1962 currently has three programs for the undergraduate level, namely the Ahwal Sakhshiyyah program of the Islamic Law (Sharia) with “B” accreditation, the Islamic Education Program (Tarbiyah) with “A” accreditation, and the Islamic Civilization Study Program, accredited “B”. The Faculty also has a master degree study program, namely Master in Islamic Education which is also accredited “B”.

Al Ahwal al Syakhsiyyah Program (Islamic Law)

The word Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah comes from Arabic which means the law governing the rules of family life for Indonesian Muslims. In reality, family law contains the rules governing marriage, talak, divorce and ruju’ (NTCR) and the distribution of inheritance. This knowledge of family law must be thoroughly mastered by Al Ahwal al Syakhsiyyah Program Department of Islamic Studies graduates as prospective judges at the Religious Courts (PA).

However, in the latest development, based on Law No. 3/2006 concerning Amendment to Law No. 7/1989 concerning the Religious Courts, the authority of the PA was expanded not only to resolve NTCRW cases, but also to disputes over sharia banking and finance. This means that Al Ahwal al Syakhsiyyah Program graduates are not only required to master family law, but are also required to master Islamic civil law in a broader sense, especially regarding sharia economics.

Islamic Education Program (Tarbiyah)

Specifically, the Islamic Education Program (Tarbiyah) aims to produce graduates who are experts in the field of education and teaching of Islamic religion, who master the material and methodology. This department prepares professional Islamic religious teachers to teach at the Islamic Senior High School level and the equivalent.

Special competence course given in this department including: Education, History of Islamic Education, Qawaid Fiqhiyah, Islamic Education Methods, Professional Skills, Psychology, Islamic Education System Planning, Curriculum Development, Islamic Religious Education Materials, Statistics, Educational Evaluation Systems, Fiqhiyah Masail , Teaching and Learning Strategies, Teaching Media, Library Management, Islamic Education Philosophy, Qira’atul Kutub, Hadith, and Tafsir.

History of Islamic Civilization Program

The History of Islamic Civilization Department is prepared to create graduates who can understand and develop works that implement Islam in the fields of history, art, culture, and exploration of Islamic history.

Special competence course given in this department including: Introduction to Historical Science, Historical Philosophy, Islamic History in Indonesia, Fiology, Philosophy of Science, Qowaid Fiqhiyah, Fiqh Muamalah, History of Islamic Civilization, Historical Research Methodology, Islamic Philosophy, and so forth.

Faculty of Islamic Studies Unissula is a faculty that has Arabic intensification and is a reference for Islamic civilization, in terms of literature and learning. Another thing that is no less important is to become an important part as one of the centers of learning the Qur’an.


The faculty has various excellent facilities including laboratories such as the astronomy laboratory, languages (Arabic and English), computers, micro teaching, and representative Lab schools. It has a library equipped with a comfortable and air-conditioned reading/ discussion room, hot spot area, and IT-based academic information.


The students of the Faculty of Islamic Studies managed to gain various great achievements during 2018. These achievements include:

  • Winning the 2nd and 3rd  Champion of PSHT International, at UNS, March 24-30, Akhmad Arsyad and Risal Sudirman
  • 2nd Champion in the Central Java Debate National Competition in Semarang, 5-7 July, Aisyah Ardani
  • International Champion of the Paku Bumi Open Silat in Bogor, 29 August – 2 September, Lutfi Khakim, Risal Sudirman
  • Champion Taekwondo Upgris Championship, 29-30 September, Zulfah Rahmawati Putri
  • 2nd Place Essay in Central Java – DIY, at UIN SUKA, October 19, Isnaeni Nurul Jannah
  • 1st Winner UGM National Terate Championship, October 20-26, Lutfi Khakim
  • Second Place in National MHQ, at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, November 2, Umi Sa’idatillah
  • AYIMUN UN Debate Delegation, in Thailand, November 3-5, Aisyah Ardani
  • 1st Place MTQ Porseni Kopertais Central Java Student, 17-18 November, Fadli Rohman
  • Pimnas Delegation at UNY August 28-September 2, Wa Ode Anastasia Septiana and Aisyah Ardani


The Faculty of Islamic Studies has established international partnership with various organizations and institutions both national and international, including the University of Ibnu Khaldun Bogor, in the context of developing the establishment of the doctoral Tarbiyah program, Fatih University Turkey, International Islamic University Malaysia, Radio Republik Indonesia in terms of community service, Religious Courts, Religious Affairs Offices, and other educational institutions.

The faculty also continues to develop cooperation with various stakeholders in order to improve the quality of human beings, especially educational staff. This faculty is also increasing educational cooperation with national and international universities, in the context of developing the qualifications of lecturers with the highest academic degree (doctorate).

Graduate Prospects

Unissula’s Faculty of Islamic Studies graduates have very broad job prospects, including: Graduates of Tarbiyah study programs can become professional and broad-minded teachers of Islamic religion. It can prepare professional educators, especially in Islamic Religious Education. Moreover, they can also be a graduate who can create jobs in the field of education, such as having a school and so on.

Sharia study program graduates can become professional lawyers, Religious Judges, Islamic family consultants, work in the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), and so on. While graduates of the History of Islamic Civilization study program can become educators in the field of Islamic cultural history and work in the Education Office and the Office of Antiquities.

They can be experts who are not only expert in a scientific field but also as the cadre of Islamic intellectuals. In addition, they can cadre prospective scholars who do not oblivious to the history of Islamic Civilization and become graduates who can revive the spirit of Islamic civilization.


Registration Information

Let’s join the Faculty of Islamic Studies Unissula by registering online at www.pmb.unissula.ac.id and coming directly to the Unissula campus Jl. Raya Kaligawe KM 4 Semarang on our working hours, Monday – Friday 08.30-15.00, Saturday 08.30-12.00. For further information, contact our customer service representative at 081 220 220 62. Come and join us.