Unissula’s Faculty of Economics Prepares Professional Human Resources which Ready to Compete in the International Level

Friday, May 10th, 2019 | [post_view]


The Faculty of Economics (FE) Unissula is one of the leading Faculties of Economics in Indonesia committed to respond to global challenges. With more than 57 years of experience in the world of education, the Faculty of Economics Unissula has now become one of the best Faculties of Economics in Indonesia. Supported by qualified lecturers consisting of professors, doctors and masters, a friendly education system and the use of cyber teaching, the Faculty of Economics Unissula has conducted teaching and learning processes to produce high quality graduates. The faculty also has five values ​​namely trustworthiness, cooperation, fairness, innovative, leadership, and innovation as the guide in carrying out its educational programs.

Academic atmosphere is built based on three basic cultures, namely: Islamic Academic Culture (reconstructing knowledge based on faith and piety, science and technology), cyber culture (campus digitalization), and international language culture (English and Arabic). These three basic cultures form a high-achieving commitment to the realization of the generation of Khaira Ummah and campus modernization based on Islamic values.

Good national and international cooperative relationships have been developed between the Unissula Faculty of Economics and several universities, banking, and business. This collaboration offers opportunities for students, lecturers and management to take part not only at the national level but also at the international level in the fields of academics, arts, and sports, through student exchanges, lecturer exchanges as well Higher Education management research and development.

The Faculty of Economics Unissula under the leadership of the Dean, Prof. Olivia Fachrunnisa, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., currently has five programs namely Diploma in Accounting (accredited “A”), Bachelor of Accounting (accredited “A”), Bachelor of Management (accredited “A”), and Master in Management ( accredited “A”). It also has an excellent program of Doctorate in Management Science.

Faculty of Economics also has a dual degree program with Kyungdong University (KDU) Korea, with a choice of 3 + 1 (3 years at FE Unissula, 1 year at KDU) as well as obtaining an additional BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) degree, the Bachelor of Management will get a BBA SM degree and a Bachelor of Accounting get a S.Ak BBA degree. In addition, FE Unissula also collaborates with several international universities in the fields of student mobility programs, visiting lecturers, and joint research: namely the Nationality University of Malaysia (UKM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Rotterdam University Netherland, Dongseo University Korea , Prince Songkhla University Thailand, Kyungdong University Korea, University of Islamic Science Malaysia (USIM), and University of Brunei Darussalam (UBD).

The Faculty also offers other excellent programs namely early intake which facilitates students to be able to study earlier. This program has benefits including faster tuition, more economical costs, and has the ideal number of class members (maximum 25 students). The excellent programs offered show the readiness of FE Unissula in preparing its students to be ready to compete not only at the national level but also international.

The students of FE Unissula also have various impressive achievements. The achievements in 2018 included:

  • Trisna P, Fatimah A, and Jilan Shofiatun N as the Runner Up of the National Scientific Writing Competition in Universitas Brawijaya, April 19-22.
  • Firdaus Choir Team, Silver Medal, choir competition at USM 28 April.
  • Ali Ridho, 1st Winner of taushiah in RRI Central Java – DIY, RRI Semarang, May 1.
  • Ahmad Ridwan P, Nuryani, Putri Maulida ER, as the Runner up in Business Model Canvas Pitching Competition, in Bangladesh 1-10 July.
  • Akbar Prabowo, as the 5th winner of National Debate Central Java in Semarang, 5-7 July.
  • Economics students take the Asia Summer Program to Dongseo University, July 7-28.
  • Sekar Dwi S, Best Project at the Great Indonesian Leader Summit, Batu Malang, July 21-23.
  • Fikri AG, Delegation of the Nationwide University Network in Indonesia, at Ubaya, 9-10 July.
  • Ahmad Baikuni TQ, Champion III of the National Pencak Silat Sudirman Championship, July 15-17.
  • Siti Hana S, UPGRIS Championship Taekwondo Champion, 29-30 September.
  • Akbar Prabowo, AYIMUN UN Debate, in Thailand, November 3-5.
  • Firdaus Choir Team, 2 Gold medals, Choir Competition, in Malaysia, November 7-12.
  • Ilyasa Aulia NC, Libran Filani, Kholidatun Nisa’, Champion III National LKTI at Unri, November 13.

Let’s welcome the bright future by joining the program at the Faculty of Economics, Unissula. For registration and information, click on www.pmb.unissula.ac.id.