Unissula Faculty of Nursing Forms Continuity Care Cadre

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 | [post_view]


The Unissula Faculty of Nursing with support from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education held a community partnership program with the theme of High Risk Pregnancy Assistance (KRT) based on Continuity of Cadre, Bandarharjo North Semarang Village. One of the efforts in this program was the High Risk Pregnancy Assistance Cadre Training which was held on May 14 and 15, 2019.

The training was held with the aim of increasing the ability of cadres in identifying high risk pregnant women. The training was opened by the head of the Bandarharjo Community Health Unit (Puskesmas), Dr. Nurhayati and attended by the Head of the Bandarharjo Village Chief, Nuryanto, S.H., with the speaker Ns. Sri Wahyuni, M.Kep., Sp.Kep., Mat., Ns. Tutik Rahayu, M.Kep., Sp.Kep., Mat., and Ns. Hernandia Distinarista, M.Kep.

In the training, Unissula trained 13 high risk pregnancy companion cadres to be given material about the concept of normal pregnancy, high risk pregnancy, early detection and treatment efforts, stress management in high risk pregnancies, physical exercise in high risk pregnancies, spacing of pregnancy through contraception, lactation management, utilization of health facilities, and monitoring fetal well-being. The material was given with various methods including lectures, video screenings, discussions, and also practicum. The participants were very active and enthusiastic in participating in each of the training sessions.

The attentive participation of the cadres could be seen from the presence of cadres in training sessions, attention from each material delivered, the activeness of asking questions to find out more about the high risk outcomes, and the enthusiasm of cadres in practicum to be able to identify high risk pregnant women.

According to Sri Wahyuni, high risk pregnancy is a major factor in increasing maternal mortality (MMR) and infant mortality (IMR) in Indonesia. There are many pregnant women in Bandarharjo, North Semarang, who experienced high risk pregnancies. The local health center has provided services to pregnant women, but community participation is needed so that high-risk pregnant women can be monitored properly and continuously.

Monitoring high-risk pregnancies can be done with ongoing assistance programs that involve the active role of patients, families, and health workers, so as to improve the welfare of mothers and fetuses. The continuity of care model approach in decision making in community-based pregnancy care can ensure clinically meaningful results, reduce risk, and be more sustainable. High Risk Pregnancy Assistance (KRT) based on Continuity of Care is a continuous assistance process by prioritizing promotive and preventive efforts for individuals and families in managing high risk pregnancies.

Still according to Sri Wahyuni, increased health efforts to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates by empowering community participation like this need to be constantly maintained and get support from various elements of society such as one of the recommendations from WHO. Empowering the community by optimizing the role of the supporting cadre is expected to reduce maternal and infant mortality. The proposed actions included focusing on assisting the pregnancy period by developing effective, integrated, sustainable and community-based strategies through cross-program and cross-sectoral cooperation such as the private sector. Therefore, it is important to develop the partnerships with various elements in the community and cross-cutting related to high risk pregnancies in each region.