Directorate of Mosque Prosperity (DPKM) is led by a Head coordinated by Vice Rector III and under and responsible to the Rector. DPKM consists of Sub Directorate of Worship & Cadre, and Sub Directorate of Qur’an Learning Center.

The responsibilities of Directorate of Mosque Prosperity (DPkM) are as follows:

  1. Providing services for information system of mosque prosperity (51-PM) online & realtime in order to support the worshipping activites, cadre, and learning Qur’an.
  2. Designing, facilitating, and coordinating various kinds of worship for lecturers, staffs, and students of UNISSULA as well as other people in terms of:
    • Leadership cadre to shape leaders of organization and
    • Consolidation and quality improvement of Islamic Academic Culture (BudAI), and then
  3. Designing,  facilitating  and  coordinating various kinds  of Qur’an learning activities for lecturers, staffs, and students of UNISSULA.
  4. Planning and coordinating the improvement of islamic scholars for development.
  5. Planning and coordinating the enhancement of the roles from DPkM for the university interest.
  6. Controlling and supervising the worship activities, cadre and learning Qur’an in all parts of organization.
  7. Making acurate, accountable and realtime reports as well as using the information system provided by Directorate of Information System.