Unissula Communication study program Intensifies Digital Literacy

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019 | [post_view]


Unissula Communication Studies lecturer held community service in Kampung KB RW II, Gedawang Village, Banyumanik, Semarang. According to the head of the community service team Made Dwi Adnjani, the aim of community service is to provide additional knowledge about digital literacy through counseling and mentoring methods that take place from August to November 2019.”The purpose of this activity is actually that parents in the KB and RW II villages of Gedawang Banyumanik Village are able to understand the need for supervision, and increase understanding of the impact of the use of information technology, is also expected to be able to utilize digital media for their empowerment so that the potential of this technological development is true really useful for them “, said Made.

Made added that digital literacy has three important elements, namely competencies or skills that must be possessed by individuals when accessing digital media. The second element is the personal locus, individuals who interact with other individuals. In this duck, the social relevance of digital literacy is very important because individuals understand what is needed in accessing digital media, and the third is the structure of knowledge.

Digital literacy will eventually become individuals who have good knowledge about information and the social world they live in. Competence is the most important element in digital literacy. Competence that is mastered can be learned and mastered by individuals. Competence is also a gradual skill and mastery of more basic competencies is needed to master further competencies.In this activity Made collaborated in a team with other communication lecturers namely Dian Marhaeni Kurdaningsih and Urip Mulyadi who provided the material differently according to their respective expertise. This activity was also carried out in stages over a number of months with different segments, ranging from recitation mothers, teenagers and also gentlemen.

“PKM activities carried out through increasing knowledge about how the impact of using internet technology and increasing digital competence of citizens of RW II are expected to be able to change the mindset of citizens to be more selective in choosing positive content, able to stimulate creative ideas in creating content that empowers them and also to be wiser again use the internet in everyday life “, added Made.